DIY Mirror Frame

Diy Mirror Frame – How To Make A Mirror Frame


DIY mirror frame isn’t just about checking your reflection, it can also enhance your home decor. As we all know mirrors brighten rooms and make them look bigger, and frames impact the design & layout of your bedroom. But it sounds like a tough job when discussing how to make a mirror frame without a professional’s help. Don’t worry, let me share with you how we did that using simple and easy steps.

How To Make A Frame For A Mirror?

How To Make A Frame For A Mirror

First, we had to take down the mirror. We used a sharp blade to score the caulk between the mirror and the wall. After separating it easily from the wall, we moved to the further steps to make a frame for this mirror.

1. Supplies & Measuring The Mirror

Supplies & Measuring The Mirror

First of all, arrange all your tools and supplies. We used these tools and supplies for this project

  • Measuring Tape
  • Liquid Nails
  • Wood Glue
  • Hand Saw
  • Spackling
  • Hammer
  • Aluminum Triangle
  • Duct Tape
  • Wood board(Your chosen one)

After that, we measured the mirror dimensions to make the frame perfect in size.

2. Wood & Corner Selection For Frame

Wood & Corner Selection For Frame

You can choose any wooden pieces to make a frame either from your house or from the local market. We wanted to make a new one so we went to our local hardware store to purchase wood molding and corners. So, we preferred reclaimed wood and frame corners to meet at 45-degree angles for a more budget-friendly option.

3. Sand Away The Roughness

Sand Away The Roughness

It is an important step in making a frame smooth. We wore safety glasses & gloves and sanded away all the roughness on the wood like on the edges, and splinters, and existing stains or paint.

4. Staining the Wood

Staining the Wood

We applied wood stain to both sides of the wood using rags or a brush. It takes time to dry, so we stained the first side, waited for it to dry, and then stained the other side of the wood. You can use sandpaper to distress the dry stain for a rustic look.

5. Wood Cutting

Wood Cutting

Now the step was to cut the wood. We carefully measured and marked the exact dimensions of the wood according to our mirror. After that, we used a saw to cut the pieces to size. You have to be more accurate at the corners for sharp angles.

6. Frame Attaching To The Mirror

Frame Attaching To The Mirror

After all those steps one last thing to do was to apply glue between wood pieces to the mirror’s edges. We were sure while applying the glue that the corners aligned properly at the corners. You can choose an adhesive that matches the frame color. We let it dry almost a night before hanging the mirror.

DIY Mirror Frame Design Ideas

DIY Mirror Frame Ideas

There are many DIY mirror frame ideas depending on your liking and style of home. There is no doubt that if you are decorating your house with mirrors, it will make your space appear bigger and brighter. But the prices of these mirrors are not easy to afford. A DIY mirror frame is a budget-friendly option. We can customize the mirror to fit in our space perfectly, whether it’s a living room or a bathroom.

1. DIY Pane Mirror Frame

DIY Mirror Frame

You can begin crafting this sophisticated mirror with a sheet of plywood. This sheet is then divided into small rectangular mirrors. After that, you may choose your desired paint shade.

2. DIY Rectangular Mirror Frame

DIY Mirror Frame

Another example of a budget-friendly mirror frame is this DIY rectangular modern mirror. It brings a lot of depth and openness to your room. This mirror is ideal for placing in a living area.

3. DIY French Vintage Mirror Frame

DIY French Vintage Mirror Frame

These types of mirrors Use mirror effect spray paint to give a vintage look. They give a feel of a charming farmhouse vibe.

4. DIY Rustic Mirror Frame

DIY Rustic Mirror Frame

You can give a rustic look to your full-length mirror frame. It gives a unique look to your room. You can consider this one for your barndominium kitchen ideas.

5. DIY Gilded Mirrors

DIY Gilded Mirrors Frame

You can enhance the beauty of your room by using gilded mirrors. You simply need a few basic supplies to turn your simple plane mirror into a masterpiece.

6. DIY Round Wooden Frame Mirror

DIY Round Wooden Frame Mirror

You can craft a charming round wood frame mirror with simple materials and a circular shape. This is an easy and budget-friendly way to enhance your decor.

7. DIY Gold Mirror Frame

DIY Gold Mirror Frame

You can transform a plain mirror into an antique gold masterpiece with just a coat of paint and wax. This adds a touch of vintage elegance to any room.

8. DIY Arched Mirror Frame

DIY Arched Mirror Frame

You can use an old rectangular mirror and add a custom wooden frame to design this beautiful arched mirror frame. It adds architectural interest to your room.

9. DIY Fringe Mirror Frames

DIY Fringe Mirror Frames

You can transform a plain mirror into a fringe mirror frame by attaching fringe trim around the edges. This budget-friendly project adds texture and personality to your room.

10. DIY Painted Mirror Frame

DIY Painted Mirror Frame

You can turn a simple plane mirror frame into a personalized piece of decor. Just choose your favorite paint colors and styles for this one. Whether you like bright or soft colors, this mirror lets you add your personal touch.

How To Make Mirror Frame For Bathroom

How To Make Mirror Frame For Bathroom

The mirror is an essential part of our bathrooms. These mirrors are available in different shapes and frames in the market. Many of these bathroom mirror frames can easily be crafted in-house by following useful and easy steps. I worked with my friend Adam on this DIY bathroom mirror frame project. I am sharing here with you how to make mirror frame for bathroom just like we did.

1. Supplies & Measurements

Supplies & Measurements

Before you start, you need some supplies. Here’s what we used for this DIY project.

  • Measuring Tape
  • Wood Glue
  • Hammer
  • Hand Saw
  • Aluminum Triangle
  • Spackling
  • Liquid Nails
  • Duct Tape

Baseboards(Your chosen one)
After that, we simply did all the measurements of our bathroom mirror to mark and make the frame accordingly.

2. Staining, Marking & Cutting The Baseboard

Staining, Marking & Cutting The Baseboard

After taking the mirror measurements, we went to our local market to find the perfect baseboard for our mirror frame. After that, we sanded away all the roughness on the wood board and applied wood stains on both sides of the wood using a brush.

We marked all the dimensions on the baseboard according to our mirror measurements and cut them down into the required pieces accurately.

3. Make Notches if Applicable

Make Notches if Applicable

We marked where the clips hit on the baseboard pieces and chiseled out notches for them. Adam used a sharp 1/2″ wood chisel for this. You can skip this step if your mirror is hung without clips.

4. Framing The Mirror

Framing The Mirror

We glued the wood pieces together using Liquid Nails and taped the corners. We let the frame dry overnight.

5. Painting & Hanging The Mirror

Painting & Hanging The Mirror

Now the next day, It was time to paint the frame. We painted both sides of the frame due to the reflective nature of the mirror. After drying, we hung the frame on the mirror using Liquid Nails.

DIY Bathroom Mirror Frame Design Ideas

DIY Bathroom Mirror Frame Ideas

The bathroom mirror should be unique and stylish just like your interior decor. If your bathroom has outdated mirrors from the 80s or 90s, you should update them to enhance your bathroom’s appearance. There are many trendy DIY bathroom mirror frame ideas to upgrade these mirrors.

1. DIY Wood Trim Bathroom Frame

DIY bathroom Frame Ideas

You can use wood trim pieces to create a frame around your bathroom mirror. You can stain or paint the wood to match your bathroom decor.

2. DIY Round Frame Bathroom Mirror

DIY Round Frame bathroom Mirror

This budget-friendly frame mirror idea is easy to implement. Simply make your own round mirror frame to add a special touch to your room, giving it a custom look.

3. DIY Mosaic Mirror Frame

DIY Bathroom Mirror Frame

Mosaic mirror frames are also trending nowadays. You can create this frame using small pieces of tile, glass, or other materials. This adds texture and visual interest to your bathroom mirror.

4. DIY Tile Border Frame

DIY Tile Border Mirror Frame

You can add a border of decorative tiles around the edge of your mirror. Thus, you can create a unique and stylish frame for your bathroom mirror.

5. Double Frame Bathroom Mirror

Double Frame Bathroom Mirror

You can add a double frame around the current bathroom mirror frame to make it this one. This idea enhances its functionality as well as style.

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