How To Sage A House

How To Sage A House


If you’re moving into a new place, learning How To Sage a House is the first challenging task. Saging is very important as this ancient ritual clears negative energy and invites positivity to the house. Saging, or smudging, involves burning sacred herbs to purify and protect your space.  

Today, the experts of will briefly explain the step-by-step process of how to sage your house. We’ll also discuss why is it important to sage your house and what are the types of sage.

What is Sage?

Saging or smudging are both for the same purpose. You’ve likely smelled sage’s earthy aroma in yoga studios. Sage is more than just a flavorful herb for cooking. With a 4,000-year history, it’s been used by Native American and indigenous cultures for its healing and spiritual properties.

This practice has spread globally, with Celtic Druids and Indigenous Amazonians also using sage or similar herbs like Palo Santo for healing and purification. Today, burning sage or saging a house is now done to cleanse spaces, remove negative energy, and promote well-being. You can easily find sage at local grocery stores, herb shops, farmers’ markets, or online.

Importance of Saging At Home Or Office

Importance of Saging At Home Or Office

Saging is very important if you’re moving into a new home. It helps remove negative energy from lingering influences of previous owners, allowing you to start fresh. It is helpful for air purification as it eliminates bacteria, viruses, and pollutants from the air.

It also uplifts aroma and improves quality sleep, mental clarity, and focus by attracting positive vibrations. Saging on a new or a full moon is also very helpful.

What Are The Types of Sage?

What Are The Types of Sage?

There are nine different types of sage used for healing and cleansing.

  1. White sage is used to purify a space, clear negative energy, and promote healing.
  2. Blue Sage promotes relaxation and enhances psychic powers. 
  3. Pineapple sage has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that enhance spiritual cleansing. 
  4. White Sagebrush promotes restful sleep and is used for a sacred space. 
  5. Brazilian Sage is used for aromatherapy and promotes inner strength. 
  6. Black sage is used to prevent unwanted spirits and negative energy. 
  7. Desert Sage is used for purifying a space and spiritual cleansing. 
  8. Clary Sage is used for aromatherapy. 
  9. Garden Sage is used to enhance memory and mental clarity.

How To Sage A House

How To Sage A House

If you’ve to a new home and want to smudge your new home, you’ll need some materials and a few right steps to eliminate the negative vibes to your new home. So let’s get started by following the step-by-step methods on how to sage your house for the first time.

Materials Required For How To Smudge A House

Materials Required For How To Smudge A House

To sage or smudge your house, you’ll need the following things.

  • Sage bundle or smudge stick 
  • Ash-catching tray or bowl made of clay or abalone shell 
  • Candle
  • Matches or lighter
  • Sand to extinguish the smudge stick

Before beginning the ritual, take your time to thoroughly clean your home by clearing any physical and mental clutter. To sage your house or office in the future, store this ritual material safely. Now let’s move on to the next step on how to burn sage.

Step 1: Enlighten The Sage Stick

Enlighten The Sage Stick

Choose your favorite sage bundle for saging your home. You can buy it online or from local herb shops or grocery stores. You can also create your own sage bundle known as a smudge stick.

Now choose your favorite candle to buy the sage stick and light it with the candle. After 10 to 20 seconds, blow out the flame, so only a gentle glow remains, releasing soothing smoke.

Step 2: Sage Yourself

Sage Yourself

Before smudging your home, start by cleansing your personal energy. For those who don’t know how to sage yourself, simply hold the sage stick in front of your face and gently move your hand to spread the smoke around your head.

Step 3: Sage Your House

Sage Your House

Now, open all windows for fresh air and start smudging your house. Start in the farthest room and work your way to the entrance. Move room by room waving the sage from bottom to top, especially in busy areas like the kitchen and living room.

Focus on key areas like hallways, corners, doorways, mirrors, windowsills, entrances, and frequently used items and electronic devices including cell phones, laptops, doorknobs, remotes, and tablets.

Remember to safely catch ashes and embers from your sage bundle or smudge stick by using a small, heat-resistant container like a clay bowl, abalone shell, ceramic tray, or small metal dish. This will prevent any accidental mess or damage. To complete your saging ritual, wave the sage smoke from inside to outside at your front door.

Step 4: Extinguish Your Sage

extinguish Your Sage

Once your saging ritual is complete, carefully press the burning end of the sage into the dirt or sand in your ash-catching tray or bowl. This prevents any accidental fires and ensures the sage is completely out. Remember to check for no lingering smoke.

After saging, collect some ash and place it inside and outside the front door. This will prevent positive energy from escaping and will protect against negative energy entering.

Important Tips On How To Use Sage

Important Tips On How To Use Sage

While saging your house, proceed with care and intention. Always remember these important tips to stay safe from any unwanted damage. 

  • Don’t leave the sage unattended.
  • Extinguish falling embers immediately with a wet towel.
  • Avoid inhaling excessive smoke.
  • Keep away from flammable materials.
  • Dirt and sand help extinguish the flame safely.
  • Avoid using water, as it makes relighting difficult. 


Saging your home is a powerful ritual for cleansing and protecting your living space. By following the above steps, you’ll create a harmonious and uplifting environment that promotes balance, clarity, and joy in all aspects of life. If you have any queries regarding how to sage a house, simply comment down below and we’ll be there for your help.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do You Sage Your House For Beginners?

Simply ignite sage using a candle. Extinguish the flame leaving embers and smoke. Circulate smoke throughout the living spaces. After that, safely extinguish the sage.

What To Say When Saging Your House?

When saging your house, you can say whatever you like. You can recite a mantra for clarity and calm, a prayer for protection and peace, or an affirmation for positivity and growth. This will amplify the energy cleansing, infusing your space with sacred intention.

What Are The Rules Of Smudging?

The rules of smudging are simple for self-cleansing. Simply purify hands with smoke and draw it all over the head including ears, eyes, and mouth, and then the body.

Is There A Good Time To Sage Your House?

You can sage your house wherever you want. However, saging your house before and after the guests or events, after the constructions and renovations, after shifting into a new home, or on a full or new moon is very helpful.

What Not To Do When Smudging?

Smudging is all about your intentions. So verbalize your goal when smudging like releasing negativity, clearing stress and anxiety, and bringing peace and positivity.