Where To Buy Eclipse Glasses?

Where To Buy Eclipse Glasses?


Do you want to witness the solar eclipse safely but don’t have eclipse glasses or don’t know Where To Buy Eclipse Glasses? Don’t worry as we’re here to help you find the best ISO approved eclipse glasses. These special glasses protect your eyes from the sun’s powerful rays. Let’s begin and find these special eclipse glasses to witness this amazingly beautiful event with your eyes.

Where To Buy Eclipse Glasses?

Where To Buy Eclipse Glasses?

If you don’t view the solar eclipse safely, you’ll get your eyes seriously damaged. Use only approved glasses to view the eclipse from the trusted vendors and always make sure the following two checks before purchasing.

  • Choose glasses certified by the American Astronomical Society (AAS)
  • Ensure they meet ISO 12312-2 international safety standard

 You can also buy these certified eclipse glasses from many online retail stores including Amazon, Etsy, eBay, or Google, but you’ll have to be careful. Remember that the counterfeit glasses don’t meet safety standards. Some of the sellers also falsely claim testing and manufacturing origin. So don’t take the risk if you’re not able to find the verified ones. Let us help you choose some of the verified sellers from the best place to get glasses if you’re still looking for where to buy eclipse glasses.

Some of the trusted manufacturers to buy eclipse glasses at reasonable prices are American Paper Optics, Lunt Solar Systems, Halo Eclipse Spectacles, Alpine Astronomical, and many others. You also buy from these trusted sellers in multiple online retail stores.

  1. StepsToDo Premium Solar Eclipse Goggle on Amazon
  2. Celestron – EclipsSmart on Bestbuy
  3. VisiSolar’s Solar Eclipse Glasses on Walmart 

Things To Remember When Viewing a Sun Eclipse

Things To Remember When Viewing a Sun Eclipse

Now that we’ve talked about where can i get Eclipse sunglasses, now there are certain things to remember when using these American eyeglasses. 

  1. Never look directly at the sun, except during totality.
  2. Only look directly at the sun when the moon fully covers it. This phenomenon is called totality.
  3. To see the totality, be within the 115-mile-wide path crossing 15 US states.
  4. Unprotected viewing can cause blindness or eye damage lasting hours, weeks, or decades.
  5. Don’t use binoculars, cameras, or telescopes without special solar filters.

If you don’t have eclipse glasses, there are certain safe viewing options for you too. You can use a kitchen colander, a pinhole camera, or a disco ball for indirect viewing.

When Do I Need To Use Eclipse Glasses?

When Do I Need To Use Eclipse Glasses?

To safely view the solar eclipse, remember to use solar eclipse glasses or viewers during the partial phases, approximately one hour leading up to and after totality. If you’re outside the 115-mile path of totality, use protection throughout the entire event.

You can wear solar eclipse glasses with contact lenses or prescription glasses, but never use binoculars or telescopes with them, as this can cause eye damage or burning. Only view the eclipse directly during totality, when the moon fully covers the sun.

Can I Reuse Solar Eclipse Glasses?

Most of the solar eclipse glasses come with an expiration date. If you bought eclipse glasses in 2017 or 2023 from an authentic seller, you can still reuse them for the next partial solar eclipse on March 29, 2025. However, please inspect them carefully if the filters are undamaged. Also inspect for any tears, scratches, punctures, holes, loose lenses, or any other damage before use. If you find any damage, simply discard them.

Please note that these solar eclipse glasses are not sunglasses as these approved filters are 100,000 times darker than sunglasses. Only use older glasses if they’re in good condition. Never stare at the sun without proper, safety-tested eyewear. You should also follow NASA’s guidelines to ensure safe viewing.

How Can I Get Free Eclipse Glasses?

You can get free eclipse glasses from online retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, Lowe’s, and Home Depot. You can also check your local libraries, science museums, planetariums, observatories, or viewing events.

Before getting your free American eyeglasses, always be cautious of counterfeit glasses and only use approved glasses for direct sun viewing.

Do You Need Glasses For Lunar Eclipse?

Mostly people think that do they need glasses for the lunar Eclipse. Trust me you don’t need any kind of glasses to view the lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth’s shadow blocks sunlight from reaching the moon.

The moon often changes color, taking on a reddish hue, sometimes called a “blood moon.” This happens because the Earth’s atmosphere scatters blue light, allowing red light to illuminate the moon. Lunar eclipses are visible at night and come in three types penumbral, partial, and total. They offer a breathtaking spectacle.

Final Thoughts

Although witnessing the solar eclipse is quite an amazing event, but only if you have the right eclipse glasses, otherwise your eyes will be damaged. Always buy verified eclipse glasses from AAS. If you still don’t know where to buy eclipse glasses, simply comment down below and the experts of styleofhome.com will be there for you to help you choose the right one.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do Stores Sell Eclipse Glasses?

Many online retail stores sell verified Eclipse Glasses. You can buy these glasses from the store including Amazon, BestBuy, Target, HomeDepot, Lowe’s, Staples, and many more.

What Glasses To Use For an Eclipse?

The eclipse glasses that meet ISO 12312-2 international safety standards and have no tears or scratches can be used for an eclipse. These Eclipse glasses are much darker than regular sunglasses.

Where Do I Get Eclipse Glasses For Free?

You can get free eclipse glasses by calling or visiting your local library. You can also check the AAS map for participating libraries.

Can I Make Eclipse Glasses at Home?

You can make eclipse glasses at home too by cutting out template from poster board. Attach solar filter to template using tape and secure filter with additional tape. After that, simply test for any gaps or light leaks. However, its better to purchase verified American glasses.

How Do I Ensure The Glasses I Buy are Safe?

Choose AAS approved glasses and look for ISO 12312-2 logo. Also avoid from counterfeit products and “NASA approved” because NASA doesn’t endorse third-party products. You can also check out AAS website for certified vendors.