7 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Old Air Conditioner


When summer rolls around in Australia, it’s very hard to live without a good, efficient and fully functional air conditioning system. 

But just like other appliances, air conditioning systems have a limited life span. Therefore, you must take steps to ensure yours is well-maintained and operating as effectively as it can. 

However, there comes a time when you just have to bite the bullet and replace your old system with a new one. The key is knowing when that moment has arrived. 

In this post, we’ll highlight seven signs that suggest it’s time to upgrade your old air con unit. Taking notice of them can save you a significant amount of money on running costs and improve your overall levels of comfort in the years to come. 

Air conditioner maintenance 

Air conditioning systems should be seen as an investment. So, to preserve their shelf life, it is obviously within your interests to ensure your air conditioning system is maintained regularly. 

Companies like Alliance Climate Control provides air con repair services that can help you do that, and it is wise to call upon them at least once a year. 

A good time to do this is towards the latter part of spring, so you’ll be geared up nicely for the summer months. 

Sign to look out for 

Regular maintenance is all well and good, but if your air conditioning system displays any of these symptoms, you should consider upgrading it sooner rather than later. 

1. Strange or noisy sounds 

By nature, most contemporary air conditioning systems operate silently, so if you hear strange noises coming from yours, such as ticking, rattling, or buzzing, then it is not a good sign. 

Often, this type of noise is indicative of issues with the operating mechanics, which become harder and more costly to fix the longer you leave it, which is why you should consider replacing your system instead.

2. Higher energy bills 

Another red flag is if your energy bills steadily start to increase above and beyond the norm.

You won’t be able to determine the cause for sure unless you do a full energy audit. However, it’s feasible that your air conditioning system might have faulty parts, which results in it overworking or overcompensating to provide the same performance. 

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that this extra effort will produce the same results in terms of keeping your property cool. However, it will result in higher energy costs overall, which you should look to reduce.

3.The thermostat has packed in

Most HVAC systems have a thermostat that regulates the temperature depending on how hot or cold you want your home to be. The thermostat constantly measures the temperature to provide optimal performance, regardless of whether you want to power up or down.

However, if the thermostat packs in, the entire process breaks down, and while you might be able to fix it, you will need to invest in a whole new system if it can’t be.

4. Strange odours 

Just like noise, good air conditioning systems should not be smelly. Subsequently, if you notice strange or rancid smells radiating from your unit, you can take it as a sign that something is not quite right with it.

Depending on how early you catch the odor, you might be able to get rid of it with a simple change of air filters or cleaning the system. However, if the musty smell lingers, then there might be a problem with the ductwork or internals that will require you to replace your system sooner rather than later.

5. Leaks or moisture 

Air conditioning systems are designed to stay dry regardless of whether they are in use. For this reason, if you notice wet patches on the floor underneath your system or droplets forming from the bottom of it, you should have it looked at by a professional immediately.

Unfortunately, refrigerant leaks are bad for your health, your family’s health, and the environment. Depending on the issue, it might make more financial sense to get a new system rather than have your current one replaced. 

6. Little or no airflow

If you find yourself in a situation where very little or no air is coming out of your air conditioning system, then there is a good chance there is something wrong with it.

The cause of this malfunction could be anything from needing to replace your thermostat, compressor, or filters to perishing ductwork or vermin damage.

Whatever the issue, the best solution is to get the system looked at immediately by a professional, who may well advise you to fund the purchase of a more modern and up-to-date unit.

7. Inconsistent temperatures

A good air conditioning system is not only supposed to cool a room quickly but also keep it at a consistent temperature.

If it does not, and you find yourself constantly having to manually adjust the setting, this could mean the internal electrical components have failed.

This can be quite expensive to fix, so your best bet in this situation could be to simply get a new system.

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